2020/10/23 Information on Mathematica Online Seminar

The Center for Science Information holds Mathematica hands-on seminars every year with the cooperation of sales companies, but this year it will be held by an online seminar hosted Wolfram company due to Covid-19 pandemic.

Please take this opportunity to join us.

*For seminars that have already been held, those who have registered for participation by the final round (November 11) can view the recordings of the seminars that have already been held from the link posted in the participation reminder email.

Mathematica online seminars
Date and time:
(1) Evening seminar :  17:00-18:00
  Tuesdays (A) 10/13, (B) 10/20, (C) 10/27, (D) 11/10 
(2) Lunchtime seminar: 12:00-13:00
     Wednesdays (A) 10/14, (B) 10/21, (C) 10/28, (D) 11/11 

(A) For those who use Mathematica for the first time
 (Introducing what you can do with Mathematica with a demonstration)
(B) Mathematica basics
 (from the basics of mathematical / numerical processing, graph drawing, simple animation creation)
(C) Mathematica application
 (from solving ordinary / partial differential equations, data analysis, simple machine learning)
(D)Machine learning in Wolfram language 
 (immediately feasible machine learning with or without teachers, neural network customization, training methods, etc.)


Application for participation:Pre-registration system*Please be sure to register with your university  email address.

(1) Mathematica online seminar (Evening series)
details and registration form:https://wolfr.am/PiVxxgtq

(2) Mathematica online seminar (Lunchtime series)
details and registration form:https://wolfr.am/PiVwNkSa

* Since it is basically a lecture type, you can participate even if you do not have Mathematica.
*It is okay if you can not participate in all the times.
* You can register until the end of the 4th time or until the capacity is reabhed.

Contact for questions regarding the seminar itself