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Category B Software Operation Guidelines


Overview Software group that deploys paid software (including free software) necessary for education and research in specialized fields used in classes conducted in PC classrooms upon request from the department.
The budget department is the application department.
This introduction and abolition will be deliberated at the SIT Center for Science Information meeting based on the request of the subject department, and whether or not it will be introduced.
  1. Must be for class and related lesson creation
  2. In the case of application from a department, etc., it must be approved by the department, etc.
  3. A network (floating) license must be set (or it can be installed on all terminals in the PC classroom in terms of price)
  4. If the client PC requires a hardware key, the following conditions must be met:
    -USB type hardware key
    ・ Hardware key must be installed only when in use.
    ・ Hardware keys should be stored and used by the department.
    * SIT Center for Science Information is not responsible for hardware key damage or loss
    ・ * Cannot be installed on devices connected to the parallel port.

  5. It can be accommodated in the disk capacity of the client PC or server.

  6. License control is possible

  7. Allowance for the purchase budget and ongoing maintenance costs after installation (if maintenance costs are not paid, they will be voluntarily abolished due to changes in the system of the SIT Center for Science Information, etc.)

  8. You can clearly indicate which class is used, how long it is used, and who is responsible for the software. (If the class is a part-time instructor, a full-time teacher will act instead)

  9. May be abolished due to system update of SIT Center for Science Information
Category B Software Installation Flow
  1. Selection, budget measures, application (Department, etc.)
    When applying for Category B software, ask departments to check the prerequisites and determine the following items.
    ・ Lectures used, period of use, software staff (limited to full-time teachers)
    ・ Confirm the number of licenses after predicting the number of students enrolled in classes using the software
    ・ Necessity to use in the laboratory outside class hours
    ・ Budget measures at departments etc. (If subsidies are used, coordination with related departments, etc.)
    ・ Confirm recurring budgetary measures for maintenance and support costs if continuous use of the software is expected
    Necessary items from the department, etc. are confirmed upon submission of the “SIT Center for Science Information PC Classroom Software Installation Request Form”.

  2. Investigation and examination (SIT Center for Science Information)
    The submitted request form will be requested for deliberation by the Information Network Systems Section.. (Mainly e-mail deliberation)
    In the case of a request for deliberation, the information system section confirms the following points in advance and reports the results together.
    ・Whether the prerequisites for each category are met
    ・s there any impact on the existing system such as interference with installed software?
    ・Adjustment results when the software has already been introduced by an application from another department

  3. Adjustment (Department, etc.)
    If the software has already been introduced by an application from another department, request for adjustment of budget measures and the number of licenses among the persons in charge of the department.

  4. Procurement (Department, etc.)
    Orders and payments necessary for software purchases will be made by the relevant department.

  5. Delivery / Installation (Installation) (SIT Center for Science Information / Information Network Systems Section.)
    Media, manuals, and license certificates purchased by departments, etc. are collectively managed by the Information Network Systems Section. in principle because they are required for installation. If necessary, the mail address of the person in charge of software is registered in the maintenance mailing list.
Version upgrade

As a general rule, version upgrades during the year are not implemented because they often hinder class management. As an exception, in the following situation, upgrade work is performed as necessary.

Example:-If a security bug is found
-When a problem is found that interferes with the lesson

Managing the number of licenses In order to implement appropriate operations, software with a limited number of licenses is managed by the “license management software”.
Also, in the case where there is a hindrance to the use with higher usage priority, the activation restriction is similarly performed by the “license management software”.
Usage survey Category B Software is intended for use in departments, etc., so we will not conduct surveys on software usage, etc., or deliberate continued use based on the survey results.
However, if a situation that does not meet the preconditions is found, the abolition may be considered in consultation with the subject department.
Usage priority
  • Application department classes (including teachers' preparation for class use)
  • Creating class assignments for the application department
  • Use of laboratory in application department
  • Use of other departments based on the agreement of the application department