2021/07/21 Notification of security updates for shared files in Google Drive

For students and faculty


This is an announcement from the Academic Information Center.

From September 13, a security update will be released for shared files in Google Drive. This will update the links to the files and make the files in Google Drive more secure, but in some cases, you will need to request new access rights to the shared files.

The security update itself will be applied to our tenants, but you can choose to exclude your own files from the security update. Affected users (those who have shared files) will receive a notification email after July 26 with information about the affected files and how to deal with the issue, so please check the content of the email and take action.


*At this time, there is no information from Google about the contents of the email or how to take action.

Please refer to the official update information for an overview and benefits.
