2019/10/31 Beware of phishing emails that misrepresent the University's Web mail system (Active! Mail)

2019/10/31 around 11:22

There were reports that phishing emails pretending to be University WebActive! Mail were distributed to multiple university email addresses.

When you access the link in the email text, you will see a site that looks just like the University's Web mail system.

If you enter your username and password on this site, your authentication information will be exploited and unauthorized access may occur.

If you receive this email, please delete it without accessing the link.

If you have accidentally entered your user name or password, please change your password and contact the Information Systems Division.

  • subject
Dear: Active!Mail pending account Owner
  • Text example
Dear: Active!Mail Webmail account Owner,
This message is from Active! Webmail messaging center to all Active! email account owners. We are currently upgrading our data base and e-mail account center .We are deleting all Active! Webmail email account to create more space for new accounts.
To prevent your account from closing you will have to update it so that we will know that it's a present used account. Your response should be sent to admin manager click HERE
http://-URL of phishing site-
Thanks, Active!. Webmail Team
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Disclaimer Notice-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
The information in this E-mail is intended to be confidential and only for use of the indi
  • Phishing site image