Research support
Updated 2021/04/24
This is the research support service of Center for Science Information.
It is possible to remote to the server of the Center for Science Information to support educational research and learning.
*Accessible from campus network.
In June 2015, SIT (the Center for Science Information) became a member of the UPKI Electronic Certificate Issuance Service, a project of the National Institute of Informatics (NII). A server certificate can be issued from the UPKI Digital Certificate Issuing Service on a server in a domain "" owned or managed by SIT.
An Internet connection environment is provided via the wireless LAN facility for non-members (guests) who visit SIT for academic research and education, such as joint research with SIT full-time theachers.
It is an online plagiarism detection system. All full-time faculty members and graduate students are licensed to use the system. This page is only accessible to full-time faculty and staff members. For graduate students, please check the email sent by Academic Planning Section notifying you of the creating your account.
GakuNin is a system that enables GakuNin participating organizations to use services compatible with GakuNin.