Category C Software Questionnaire (FY2023)

Category C Software Questionnaire (FY2023)

Updated 2022/11/25


The Category C software questionnaire has been conducted every December since 2005. We would appreciate your cooperation.


Person in charge of compilation

Heads of Department, Program and Major

We apologize for the inconvenience, but we would like to ask that you contact your department/division instructors regarding the implementation of this survey.
The target audience for this survey is full-time faculty members who are using the Category C software on terminals in their PC classrooms or general classroom teaching tables.

Purpose Once every December, in order to enhance class use of paid software installed on computers in PC classrooms, we check with each department and major in the form of a questionnaire to determine if there are any continuing or new applications.
Category C Software Guide

Please see the guide below for more details on the introduction of Category C.

 Software Category

 Category C Software Operation Guidelines

Application Possible Departments
(Applying Department)

  • Departments of Engineering, Systems Engineering and Science, Engineering and Design, and Architecture (17 departments)
  • Graduate School of Engineering and Science, Master's Course, each major (8 majors)

Maximum application amount
(including consumption tax)

Budget Department: Information System Section

  • Departments of Engineering, Systems Engineering and Science, Engineering and Design:1.1 million yen
    Global Program:0 yen (to be considered when a new application is generated)
  • Department of Architecture:2.2 million yen
  • Graduate School of Engineering and Science, Master's Course:1 million yen

Answer Period

December 24, 2022 (Saturday) Deadline



Questionnaire for Continuation of Category C Software Application in 2023 (OneDrive)
*Please let us know if you need to grant permissions for viewing and editing other than the chief.
 How to enter the questionnaire(Guide page)

New/Change Application

 Application form for new, change, or abolition of Category C software in 2023 (Microsoft Forms)
 How to fill out the application form(Guide page)

Contact Us e-mail:
Category C software questionnaire flow

FY2023 Category C Software Costs

Check the contents of the document

No change
in continuation details 

New, change in number of licenses, and discontinuation of licenses
are included in the continuation contents.

  Questionnaire for Continuation of Category C Software Application in FY2023


Consult with the Information Systems Division




 Application form for new, change, or abolition of Category C software in FY2023


  Questionnaire for Continuation of Category C Software Application in FY2023
