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Publish the talk (Invitation)



1.Start the UD Talk app on your smartphone or tablet.
* The explanation screen is for Android.


2.Tap "いますぐトークを公開する".

* "いますぐトークを公開する" means "Publish the talk now"


3.Tap "発言を許可" or "編集を許可" to select it, then tap "メールで送信".

・"発言を許可" means "Allow speaking". It allows you to speak on the participant's terminal.
・"編集を許可" means "Allow editing". You cannot speak on the participant's device, but you can only edit. You cannot create new rows or delete rows.

* "メールで送信" means "Send by email".


4.The mail application will start up, and the text with the URL and QR code already written will be displayed, so enter the destination email address and send.


5.Return to the UD talk app and tap "戻る(閉じる)" from the "トークを公開する" screen to return to the talk screen.

* "戻る(閉じる)" means "Return (close)".

* "トークを公開する" means "Publish Talk".