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Google Sites

2021/12/1 更新

Google Sites is a website-building tool included in Google Workspace.
You can easily build a website without any technical knowledge.


User All faculty and Students
Term of use Only while enrolled or employed
URL specification https://sites.google.com/shibaura-it.ac.jp/~
How to use

1. apply for Google Sites from AMI
 Log in → Click "Google Sites" in the left pane → Agree to the terms of use
 Be sure to read and understand the rules for using Google Sites described in this page before using it.
2.Create the content for your site. Check the Google sites help (https://support.google.com/sites/) and other resources for usage     

 The Information Network Systems Section will not answer any questions about how to create content for the site.

3.Set up the site name according to the "public URL" described in the Google sites publication rules, and publish the site with   

   appropriate access rights.


No application is required to view or edit the site.
If you want to edit the site, comply with the detailed regulations for the operation of the Information Network Systems Section.
If you wish to publish your site, you must comply with the following rules for publication.


Contact us

The Information Network Systems Section


Rules for Google Site Publication


"When publishing"

 The following terms of use must be observed.
 If you fail to do so, the site will be closed or the service will be suspended.
 In particular, the prohibited acts described in (Compliance with the Detailed Rules for the Operation of the System of the Information Network Systems Section) will be prohibited.
 (Compliance with the detailed regulations for the operation of the system of the Information Network Systems Section), the use of the Campus Information ID may be temporarily suspended for the purpose of investigation.



 ・Agree to the terms of use at AMI


"Public URL"

 ・Always add your own academic ID first.
 ・Use "- (hyphen)" to connect the characters after the university information ID.
   Do not include other people's academic information IDs after the "-".
   Example: https://sites.google.com/shibaura-it.ac.jp/aa99001

"Compliance with the detailed operational rules"

 ・Do not perform the following acts

   -Transfer or lending of academic information IDs and authentication elements to third parties
   -Disclosure of authentication elements to third parties
   -Defamation, slander, discrimination, insult, violation of human rights, or harassment
   -Violation of personal information, privacy, or portrait rights.
   -Acts that violate intellectual property rights.
   -Violation of confidentiality obligations
   -Political activities, religious activities, and commercial activities.
   -Sending false information.
   -Acts that constitute unauthorized access
   -Acts that interfere with the operation of the information system environment
   -Acts that violate other laws, regulations, and social practices


"Site Responsibility"

 ・ All responsibility for the site belongs to the owner of the site.
   The same applies to any co-editors.

 "Transferring ownership of a site"

 ・    Be sure to make the site you want to transfer "private" before transferring it.