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Updated 2021/04/30

CrystalMaker is software that visualizes crystal and molecular structures.


Target persons Refer to Category C software installation list
Categry Category C software
Purpose Realization of modeling and visualization of crystal and molecular structures.
URL http://www.crystalmaker.com/crystalmaker/download/index.html

Download server

Windows: ¥¥download2.sic.shibaura-it.ac.jp¥download
MacOS: smb://download2.sic.shibaura-it.ac.jp/download

Pleae click here for connection guide to the download server. 


Install software at your own risk. Center for Science Information does not install or fix any computer problems caused by installation.


1.Access to download site from the URL above.  Click  "CrystalMaker 10.5.3 for Windows" and installer will be downloaded.



2.After the download has finished, execute installer.


3. Agree to the software licence agreement and click "Install".



4.Installation will be done.