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Howling measures for online classes

Updated 2021/05/01


From the second semester class of 2020, students may take online classes in the classroom using their own PCs or smartphones.



Students, Faculties


Preventing howling that occurs on carry-on PCs and smartphones by having multiple ways to take classes

Class style
  • Go to university and take online classes with multiple people in the classroom
  • Take online lessons with multiple people in a room prepared separately from the room where teachers teach
  • Take online lessons alone at home
  • Take online classes in the university break space
Guide  Howling measures for face-to-face and online use in the classroom-20200912 (JP)
  • Please bring your headphones. (Headphones are not rented at Center for Science Information.)
  • Please do not leak the sound of online lessons from your PC or smartphone.


Causes of howling

Howling occurs when there are two or more terminals participating in the same online class in the classroom and the microphone of one terminal picks up the sound of another terminal.



Do students attend classes from multiple locations and use the breakout room?


Do not use.





Do not use.



Teacher Zoom
Student home Zoom


Teacher Zoom
Student home Zoom

Teacher Zoom
Another classroom Zoom
Student home Zoom

Teacher Zoom
Another classroom Zoom
Student home Zoom

Howling does not occur if there are no two or more Zoom terminals in the classroom. Howling does not occur if there are no two or more Zoom terminals in the classroom. If you have more than one device in the same room, use headphones and do not leak sound. If you have more than one device in the same room, use headphones and do not leak sound.