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Mathematica Network License

Updated 2021/01/19


Network licensing is an authentication method that works only within the campus network.
For other environments, see Stand-alone License.


Target parsons Faculties and students
Scope fo use Campus and home computers
Number limit None
License Expiration Duration of membership in the University
How to use
  1.  Please make sure that you are connected to SRAS or the network on campus. (Off-campus networks such as eduroam will not allow authentication and activation.)
  2. The University download server "\\download2.sic.shibaura-it.ac.jp\download\mathematica" in the versioned folder located in the "" folder. Open the ISO image for the installer and run setup.
    For instructions on how to access the download server, see here.
  3. When the activation screen asks for an activation key, select "Other ways to activate" instead of entering it.
  4. To activate it, click on "Connect to a network license server".
  5. Enter "mathematica.sic.shibaura-it.ac.jp" as the server name. Enter and activate it and it will be available to you.
Cautions For off-campus use, SRAS VPN connection is required.