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Make a schedule of the online classes (meeting)

Updated 2021/11/12


We recommend making a schedule in advance.

Please note the writing in red to hold the online classes safely.


0.Sign in the Zoom. Please refer to sign in Zoom.


1.Click “schedule a meeting”.


2.Click “save” after you enter and check the requirements. ※Please note the writing in red to start the online classes safely.

Topic Class name 
Dates Date and times
Required time Required time (your plan)
Regular meeting It is convenient to check “✔regular meetings” if you hold the online classes.
Register Do not check
Meeting ID Automatically generate
Meeting password Recommend to check
Meeting option

✔Mute participation when someone enter the room.

✔Only authorized user can attend.
Sign in with University account. 

✔Auto-record the meeting in the cloud.



3.Repeat the Steps (1.and 2.) if you schedule some online classes.


 It is convenient to check “✔regular meetings” if you hold the online classes.










4.After “save” the meetings, you can confirm the registered meetings when click “meeting”.