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Download a Zoom recording data

Updated 2020/11/25


Here shows how to to download an online class recording data (meeting).  

You can save the recorded data in the cloud if you have the educational licenses.
Please use downloading the recorded data not to leave it in the cloud because the shared data uses 0.5GB×the number of users.
Plese use OneDrive how to publish the recorded data.

1.After sign in Zoom and click "Recording 「記録」", the recording data list is displayed.
Click "Others 「その他」" from the purpose class and click "Download (1 file)「ダウンロード(1ファイル)」".

※ Don't publish the data in the Zoom cloud.


2.The extension mp4 file is downloaded to local PC. 


3.Publish the recorded classes data with OneDrive.

 How to publish the video in OneDrive


4.In the Zoom, click "others「その他」" and select "delete「削除」" after you upload the data to Microsoft Stream.