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Matlab Network License for laboratory

Updated 2021/06/26


This is a method of activating Matlab license by connecting to a license server of SIT at your laboratory.
You can use the license without a Mathworks account, but you must be connected to campus network. If you want to use a concurrent version of child licenses, you must install using the method.
If you use Matlab license for any other purpose, please use Matlab Stand-alone License for personal use (teachers and students).


Target persons All students of SIT (undergraduate students, graduate students)
Usable range A terminal that connects to the campus network (SRAS wireless LAN, SRAS-VPN) such as a laboratory terminal.
Use a standalone license for your personal computer.

License expiration date

By the end of the year you applied (when TAH license agreement ends)

License renewal manual

The license will be renewed under the new contract every April. When the server is updated, the license renewal will be completed automatically.
The remaining license expiration date will be displayed until the license is renewed by Center for Science Information, but there is no problem in using it.

Install manual

  1. Check if your PC is connected to SRAS Wireless LAN or SRAS-VPN. (Authentication and activation are not possible with eduroam)

  2. Open  ISO image for Matlab installer (If it is Matlab2019a, the image is R2019a_Windows.iso in the same folder) located on SIT download server (\\download2.sic.shibaura-it.ac.jp\download\matlab) and execute setup.
    Click here for how to access the download server.

  3. Obtain the key that matches the installation configuration package from "network-fik.txt" located on SIT download server (\\download2.sic.shibaura-it.ac.jp\download\matlab).

  4. Copy "network.lic" in the same folder to the computer where Matlab will be installed.

  5. Launch the client installer and choose to install with a file installation key.
    * You do not need to sign in with a Mathworks account.
    * How to install a product offline (Matlab documentation): here 

  6. You will be prompted for the license file during the installation, then specify the license file you copied earlier to complete the installation.


  • A terminal that uses the license must be connected to campus network. Please check if your PC is connected to SRAS wireless LAN or SRAS-VPN.
  • Commercial use of this license is prohibited by the license agreement.
  • It cannot be used by anyone other than the applicant. Please manage the license at your own risk.
  • If the installed device is lost, please contact the Center for Science Information immediately.
  • You must agree to the MathWorks Privacy Policy when applying for a Mathworks account.
  • If you have any questions regarding the license agreement, please contact to goiken@sic.shibaura-it.ac.jp.