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Application for Matlab Child License for laboratory

Updated 2021/01/09


You can purchase options attached to Site License in your laboratory.
There are the following two types of Child license.


Target persons Laboratory
Purchase range Purchase TAH optional license that allows unlimited use of software and Child license that can be purchased from one license in laboratory units.

Two types of license

  • Concurrent version
    If you shift the usage time, you can start up and use the same number of PCs segment at the same time as the purchased licenses in a laboratory.
    The license server sets up so that it can be activated only in the laboratory network.
    * Not available with a standalone license.

  • Individual version
    The number of installations is limited to the number purchased.
    There is no restriction on the laboratory network, and the standalone version can be installed.
    However, the number of purchases is equal to the number of PCs that can be installed.

How to apply

When you consider purchasing, we will request a quote. Please contact goiken@sic.shibaura-it.ac.jp about the following contents from teachers. (Expense will be borne by each orderer)

1) Toolbox name
2) Concurrent version or individual version
3) Required number
4) Desired time to start using

  • As a yearly maintenance fee, about 20% of the new purchase fee will be the maintenance renewal fee one year later.(2016/9)
  • If you do not renew your maintenance, you will only be able to use software on the latest Matlab version at the end of maintenance.