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How to install the Microsoft Desktop OS(Windows11)
Updated 2020/12/04
You must strictly adhere to the rules of eligibility, methods, and prohibitions regarding the use of the EES Terms of Service.
Installation media is not available for loan. |
1.You can update the software directly using the tools downloaded from the product page for educational institutions , or you can create an iso image or flash USB stick and perform an upgrade installation.
※For more information on iso images and flash USB memory sticks, please see this page.
2.After the upgrade installation is complete, install the setup key.
- Go to the KMS Client Setup Keys
page and verify that the edition of the operation system is "Windows 11 Education" key 25 digits (not including hyphens).
- Open the Control Panel, go to System and Security -> System -> Change Product Key, then enter the setup key you confirmed in the previous step.
3.License activation by KMS.