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Batch Report Download

Update: Mar. 14, 2022

You can download the submission information for selected students in a batch.




①Select whether the file name of the submission to be downloaded is the image display file name or the actual file name.


②Select the check box of the user you wish to download.


③Click the [Batch Download] button to download the submission information of the selected user in a batch.
 The downloaded file will be unzipped in zip format and will consist of the following.

A folder named [user ID] will be created for the user submitting the report, and the report will be stored in the folder.

The "assignment_comment_format.xlsx" contains the submission information for each student.

※Please refer to "Checking Report Submission Status" in this manual for the reports of provisionally registered users.



The "assignment_comment_format.xlsx" file

The status of each student's assignment submissions and the instructor's evaluation and feedback information are displayed.