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Send out Class Notifications

Updated 2022/03/12

Faculty members may notify course participants of the notifications.

Create a New Notification

From the subject TOP screen, click the [+] button under "Announcements" to move to the "Announcements New Registration" screen.

The following is an explanation of each item on the "notifications" new registration screen.

Title Enter the title of the notification. (max. 255 characters)
Content Enter the content of the notification. (10000 characters max.)
Posting Period

You can set the period of time for posting notifications. After the submission period starts, you can only set the posting end date and time.

  Before Start After Start - Before End After End
Start date and time Changeable Unchangeable Unchangeable
End date and time Changeable Changeable



E-mail and LINE notifications

Select "Send" if you wish to be notified via e-mail or LINE at the beginning of the posting period.
However, it will only be sent if the recipient subject (student) has set up an e-mail address or LINE account in "Settings" of ScombZ.

Target of publication

Select the target of publication of the notification.


You can choose to publish notifications only to specific students or user groups among all students.
To select specific students, check the "Search Students" checkbox and click the button to display the "Search Students" screen.
If you select "User Groups," a list of user groups will be displayed. In order to use user groups, user groups must be created in "User Group Management" beforehand.

* Refer to "User Group Management" in this manual for details.


Return to list screen without saving

Click to go to the "notifications Management" screen.

After completing the form, click the "Proceed to Confirmation Screen" button.
Confirm that the information is correct and click the "Register" button.
The registration is complete. is displayed, the registration is complete.

Edit or Delete Notifications

Clicking the "Announcement Title" link on the "Subject TOP" screen will take you to the "notifications Edit" screen.

※ You can edit all items for notifications before they are posted, but only the end date and time of the posting period can be edited for notifications after they are posted.

For deletion, click the "Delete notification" button, and the "Deletion Confirmation" window will appear. Click the "Delete" button to complete the deletion.

Notification Opening Confirmation

When you click the [Confirm Opening] link on the "Subject TOP" screen, the "Notification Confirm Opening" screen will appear.

You can check the status of opening notifications for your students.